Thank You, Rhode Island General Assembly, Thank You So Very Much
Wherein the RI General Assembly stands in the way of Rhode Islander’s bringing in some desperately needed income.
18,000 Deaths Per Year
And all to feed somebody’s voracious greed:
Eighteen thousand mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers, dying preventable deaths because insurance was too expensive or flat-out unavailable. (Link)
Oh, and please, Mr. Capitalism-And-Profit-Above-All-Else, please reconcile for me your devotion to profit with your so-called Christianity and supposed devotion to Christ.
k thx bai
Wither Twitter: An Essay on the Crude Beginnings of a Post-Money Economy
An essay examining Twitter in light of Cory Doctorow’s concept of Whuffie and Charles Stross’s ideas of a post-money society in Accelerando using Amanda Palmer as a prime example of someone creating an reputation based economy for themselves.
My Birthday Is Soon (hint, hint)
How cool is this:
Sparkle labs – DIY Electronics kit (video) from make magazine on Vimeo.
I definitely feel like I could stand to learn some basics about electronics considering I spend most of my life surrounded by the stuff! Plus it would be a great way to stretch my brain and help me think in new and different ways that have nothing to do with critical theory and cultural criticism.
My Remaining iPhone Wishes
With the release of the new iPhone operating system and the new iPhone 3GS, the intertubes are chock full of iPhone news and commentary. So, I thought to myself this afternoon, why not add to the general din. So here are a few things I wish for (and would even wish for if I could …
Lately I’ve noticed I’m tense. Not occasionally, not sporadically. All the frakin’ time. Like I spend my life in a state of flight or fight response. I have no idea how long I’ve been like this, but this explains a lot about why I never seem to have much energy, why I don’t sleep well, …
Oops – some site issues
I recently started using Markdown to write my posts and installed a script to convert Markdown to HTML on my site. However, I have discovered today that this has caused some formatting problems. If you come across a page or an entry that looks odd or funny or completely screwed up, let me know. I should have everything fixed by Monday or Tuesday night.
The Mgt.
Why Isn’t Anyone Disappointed in Me?
Lately I’ve been thinking about all the support and encouragement given to me by friends and family over the course of my life. My family never held me to their own preconceived notions of success and supported me when I wanted to be an actor, when I quit URI 1 year short of a degree, …
Moon Footage
(via Ze Frank)