Wait Wait . . . BRAINS!
Wherein I share a link to a fun script for a Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me episode from the zombie apocalypse.
Wherein I share a link to a fun script for a Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me episode from the zombie apocalypse.
Wherein I briefly discuss the notion of folly and share a video of Lewis Pugh’s swim across the North Pole.
Wherein I share a link to the Doctor Who archives at the BBC and mention, once again, just how much I love the show.
Wherein I share a picture of Piper laying in a way that generally makes me smile.
Wherein I share a video that makes me smile.
Wherein I post a quote from Albert Einstein that made me smile.
Wherein I post an xkcd comic that makes me smile.
Wherein I declare a slightly new mission for the blog and share a Bjork video.