Frugal and Pretentious
I am digging my new Bodum travel press coffee cup/french press that I picked up this past weekend. Now, instead of spending anywhere from $1.50 – $3.00 on coffee per day while at the temp job, I just pre-grind some beans that I’m going to buy anyway for the house, bring them with me and make french press coffee at work. It’s frugal and pretentious, which is always a winning combination, Oh, and plus, even with pre-ground beans (I know, I know, you shouldn’t pre-grind beans), it’s a smoother, less acidic, and more pleasant cup of coffee than Au Bon Pain’s coffee. Win win situation all around and I highly recommend it. – the Bodum online shop
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On this day..
- The Tenth 10 Minute Play - 2008
- Cow Fun - 2007
- Royal Stetson for Sale - 2007