Nick & Chris & Me
Back in high school, Nick McNab and Chris Nuzum were my best friends. I don’t remember which of them turned me on to King Crimson, but every time I hear the song “Elephant Talk” I can’t help but think back to those years, listening to Nick’s copy (tape of course!) of “Discipline” (King Crimson) over and over again. Of course they were technically amazing, but I there was something else that drew us to them, something about the intersection of gravitas and play, technical proficiency and whimsy.
I have very fond memories of my high school years, as opposed to almost everyone else I know. Hell, I had fun and few responsibilities, lots of friends, a creative drive that held no doubts (produced a bunch of crap, but just knew that it was all brilliant), and an innocence that I sometimes miss, sometimes miss a lot.
This one is for Nick & Chris. We have lost touch over the years, but my enjoyment of King Crimson will always and forever be linked to their friendship and the times we had twenty years ago.
Twenty frackin’ years!
If you are interested in hearing more from them, I would recommend checking out these King Crimson albums:
“In the Court of the Crimson King” (King Crimson)
“Starless and Bible Black – 30th Anniversary Edition Remastered” (King Crimson)
On this day..
- So it begins. - 2006